TABA's vision is to be a silk road for the beauty industry. A place where people from around the world can meet others, share ideas, and gain knowledge to take back to their home countries. We seek to foster a spirit of collaboration and interconnectedness within the beauty industry, as well as to make products and sessions more accessible and affordable to people from around the world.
We realize our vision through programs and events that allow beauty professionals and enthusiasts arpund the world to come together and experience each other's beauty cultures, sharing and obtaining skills on the way.
The mission of TABA is to be a thriving market and gathering place for the global beauty industry, and to serve as a vehicle for the advancement of cultural diplomacy between the nation of Turkey and the rest of the world.
Our goal is to develop beauty industries internationally, as well as to provide an international platform for both beauty amateurs and professionals to showcase their techniques, traditions, customs, and products on a global scale, in order to foster further international cooperation and understanding, and make beauty more accessible to people with a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds.
Executive Board